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How to add questions & answers to a product page in Magento 2

Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2017-03-16   


Customer service is one of the important incentive to generate revenue growth and keep clients coming back. No matter how good your product descriptions are, customers will still visit your store, and ask a variety of questions. You may spend hours answering questions, or hire extra hands to submit replies. Or you can provide ability for customers to help each other by posting answers and questions on products' pages. Product QA for Magento 2 offers ability for customers and guests to share experience, information, or pieces of advice directly on all products' pages.

The extension helps to create a unique customer experience, as your clients no longer need to wait for answers from support team. Users will be able to ask questions and post answers directly on each products' pages. The block with all questions and answers is built in a separate tab to make Product Q/A easy and convenient to read.

After the extension has been enabled, Product QA will appear on each product page automatically. Let's open a product on Frontend. You can see how many questions and answers are posted for the product, or ask questions clicking the link above the product's price.

The Product QA tab shows a number of posted questions. Thus your customers will know if any questions are submitted to the product or not. If the product have dozens of questions or answers, it may take time looking for a necessary one. Now the extension helps to search information by entering text in field "Search Q/A".




There is a useful tool that allows to search most recent questions, with most helpful answers, and etc. The searching process becomes even quicker and customers get 100% relevant answers. Furthermore, users are able to rate Q/A as helpful, unhelpful, or inappropriate clicking the flag. The general settings may limit the user's ability to rate. Please learn more about the general settings in the Product Q/A user guide.

Let's add a new question and answer. Click button "Ask a New Question" or "Ask Your Question". The following form appears.




Enter your nickname and a question. The extension allows to notify customers by email if a new answer is posted. Choose checkbox "Notify me by email when answer received" and then enter the email address. It is also possible to sign up for the newsletter by checking the "Sign Up for Newsletter" checkbox. In this case the customer's email address is saved to Magento's newsletter database. If you want to protect your store from spamming, you can enable Captcha in backend. After all fields are completed, click "Add Question".

To add an answer to a question, expand one of the question and click button "Answer this Question".

Complete all required fields, and then click "Answer this Question".




Admin gets the full control over all questions and answers. You are able to edit, add, delete questions or answers, or limit the access to Product QA to users.

Let's see how to edit questions and answers within backend. Go to PRODUCTS -> Product Q/A -> All Questions. Then open one of the question on the grid. Here you can see the whole information about the question: where, who posted the question, its rating.




As admin you can change the status of the question, visibility, nickname and question itself. Then scroll the page down to the "Answers" section.

Here you can change the posted information, add pictures, videos, links to your own answer or submitted one.




The Product Q/A extension helps store owners to focus on the particular needs of customers. Now you can easily provide a simple tool to add questions and answers that will allow customers to make one more step to future purchases. Provide excellent customer service, and customers will value relationships with you.

Check out our Product Questions and Answers extension for Magento 2 Video Tutorial and learn more about the main features.