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How to create custom tabs in Magento 2

Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2016-10-07   


Let's imagine that each product has its own tab which makes a product unique. By default Magento won't allow editing product tabs in the backend. But the ITORIS team found the solution. Now you can easily add more tabs to products using the Product Tabs extension for Magento 2. Also admin can insert widgets within tabs. Thus the extension makes it easy for you to enlarge products' functionality.

The purpose of the Product Tabs extension is to allow the store administrator to edit product tabs globally or for each product individually. You can find the detailed information in the User Guide.


After installing the extension, let's move to the product tabs' settings. You can manage global tabs for all products together. Please go to Products -> Inventory -> Product Tabs.

Once the extension has been installed such tabs as "Details", "More Information" and "Reviews" will be created automatically. By default all products inherit the global tabs. You can click "Add New Tab" to create a new tab or click "Edit" link to edit an existing tab.

Let's create a new tab for a specific product. Open the product details on tab "Product Tabs" following: PRODUCTS -> Inventory -> Catalog -> {some product} -> Product Tabs. Click the "Add Tab" button. Then the "Add New Tab" popup appears.

The form consists of the following fields:

Label – required input box. Set the title of the tab. In our case it's "How to Choose the Right Bag Size".

Status – dropdown - Enabled/Disabled. Select "Enabled" to make the tab visible on the Frontend.

Content – you can use the WYSIWYG to design and style the tab. You can insert images, tables, even dynamic widgets. We put the static text which provides a short description of the chosen topic.

Customer Groups – dropdown. Select which customer will see the tab. "All Groups" is selected by default. You can also choose several customer groups. Hold the "Ctrl" key down and click each group.




When you finish editing, click "Save Tab" to save the tab.

On the Frontend one more tab appears. You can create various tabs for a certain product to attract customers' attention. The extension doesn't modify the look of tabs on the Frontend. The tabs' CSS should be delivered by your frontend theme. The extension allows editing the title, content and the visibility of tabs only.




Now let's move to another advantage of the Product Tab extension and insert widget with products list into tabs.

Let's create one more tab named "Other Bags". Set "Enabled" and click icon "Insert Widget".




When the popup appears, in dropdown "Widget Type" choose "Catalog Products List" to create the products list. Each widget type has its own options.




Then set main widget options for the new tab. Options "Number of Products to Display", "Template" and "Conditions" are required. Within the tab you can put certain products. For instance, let's set the condition in the "Conditions" field. Select "Attribute Set" or category "Bag". Then click button "Insert Widget".




On the Frontend tab "Other Bags" with products list appears.




Using the extension you can easily add or edit tabs without any difficulties.

If you create a global tab, it will appear for all products you have on the store. If you create a product tab it will be shown only for a certain product. You can also insert widgets to offer customer a wide products' choice.

Our Video Tutorial for Product Tabs will show you how to configure main settings and add custom tabs per product.