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How to Attach Files to Products in Magento 2

Magento 2 Extensions
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-03-12   

How to Attach Files to Products in Magento 2

Presenting information about online products via different user guides, video tutorials, spreadsheets, price lists and illustrations will not only increase customers' interests, but give answers to the key questions about products. You no longer need to spend hours submitting standard answers. Place information within files directly on product pages available to all users. The detailed user guides, documents with useful tips and pictures will help customers find necessary information.

The Product Attachments extension for Magento 2 is developed to attach files to multiple products in bulk or per product. Do you want to display custom files' icons? The extension allows to upload custom icons or use the system ones. The whole configuration is managed from backend as well. There is no need to upload similar files per product as the built-in repository allows to pick up files and apply them to products in one click.

You can also use the mass actions tool allowing to copy necessary files from a chosen product and apply them to multiple products in bulk. It will definitely save tons of your time and help customers get necessary information per product.

In this article we will examine different ways of uploading files from backend, its management and access per product.

How to Add Attachments to a Product

The extension includes various file formats and allows to attach files to products individually within the product settings. To add attachments choose PRODUCTS > select a product > Product Attachments. The settings are divided into three main sections configuring the attachments and their visibility. Let's go through each of them.

A. Configure the main settings.

  1. Enable the attachments to be visible on Frontend.
  2. Enable the large icons. If you disable the large icons the small format will be available on frontend. You can customize small and large icons following STORES > Configuration > ITORIS EXTENSIONS > Product Attachments > File Icons. Just clear the "Use system" checkbox next to the icon and browse a custom one.
  3. Display the title of your attachments to provide more information about the files.
  4. Show comments if some details about the attachments are required.
  5. Specify the file size.


How to Manage Attachments in Backend in Magento 2


B. Upload Files.

You can upload an unlimited number of files using one of the three main methods.

  1. Drag'n'drop Method. Drag the chosen files and drop them into the upload box. Or click button "Upload" and select files from your PC.
  2. Pick up a File from the Repository. If you already upload several files before and want to apply the same attachments click link "Browse Repository". All attachments are stored in the repository. The repository table provides a search tool, shows a number of products bound to the file and provides the link to add files to the collection.
  3. Create Attachments from URL. You can also create a file via a direct link entered in the input box. The created file will be linked to the URL respectively.


How to Upload Files in Magento 2


C. Manage the Attachments.

The extension provides the separate boxes for each attachment allowing to set the individual configuration.

  1. Enable the chosen attachment to be visible on Frontend.
  2. Customize the title if the initial name is required changes.
  3. Choose customer groups the file is to be available to. For example, you can show price lists with discounts for your wholesale customers only.
  4. Enter information about your file in the "Comment" box.
  5. Mark the "Available only if product purchased" checkbox if you want the file to be visible on the Customer Dashboard. The file will be available after the product is purchased and the order get the "Complete" status.


How to Manage Attachments Collection from Backend in Magento 2


How to Manage Attachments for Multiple Products

You can add attachments to multiple products in bulk. For example, all headphones in your store require the same file "Resolving Headphones Problems". You can copy the file from one product and apply it to the chosen products.

  1. Choose necessary products.
  2. Select option "Copy Attachments 1 to Many" in the "Actions" dropdown.
  3. Enter the product ID the files of which are to be copied from.

After the extension has been enabled the additional column "Attachments" will appear in backend. You can drag and drop files in the column or choose attachments locally using the upload button as well.

You can also unbind products from files via the global repository following STORES > Configuration > ITORIS EXTENSIONS > Product Attachments > File Repository. Click the "Unbind" link next to the product. Or click the "Remove" link next to the chosen file to delete the file from your store.


How to Copy Attachments in Bulk in Magento 2


Attachments on Product Pages

After you attach files to products the "Downloads" tab will be created on Frontend automatically. The number of downloads is displayed on the tab directly. You can change the size of icons, enable or disable its descriptions in backend.


Attachments on Product Pages in Magento 2

How to Manage Attachments on Dashboard

If attachments were marked as "Available only if product purchased" the files will appear in the "My Downloads" section on the Dashboard. After the customer has purchased the product with the hidden file and the order got the "Complete" status the file will be available for the user. You can leave a custom message below the file to inform the customer about the attached file.


How to Manage Downloads on Frontend in Magento 2