Registration Fields Manager for Magento User Guide
PurposeThis document is a User Guide for Registration Fields Manager extension for Magento. It describes how work with the extension. This module provides powerful tools to customize registration form the way you need. Convenient drag-n-drop interface, built-in validation and CSS classes, ability to create as many sections and add new fields as you need. System RequirementsThe extension works under Magento from 1.4.x and higher. The extension works with Apache 1.3.x and higher, PHP 5, Linux or IIS. The extension’s correct work is guaranteed with the following browsers:
The correct work with other Magento versions, other browsers and Apache/PHP versions is not guaranteed. InstallationAll our Magento extensions and templates are installed via IToris Installer.
LicenseRegistration Fields Manager extension is website-dependent. By ‘website’ here we understand the website in Magento terms. Under one Magento installation one license key of the extension can activate all stores/storeviews. within one website. If your configuration has several Magento websites - a separate license will be required for each.
SettingsEnable Module
After any changes have been applied, settings need to be saved. In order to enable the module for the front-end select Extension Enabled = Yes. This will substitute standard Magento registration form with your custom one.
Different Registration Forms for Different StoresThere is ability to create a custom registration form for each Magento store individually. To do it please select a store from the Current Configuration Scope and create a registration form. Save it. Then select another store and create the form for it (a new, separate one). As custom registration form pulls the new fields in customers’ profiles, the profile look will depend on which registration form the customer has used. Different custom fields will be pulled in different profiles. If you want all customers to have the same custom registration form, please leave the default configuration scope. Languages’ SettingsDifferent languages can be used for different stores in the module. By defaults the module is provided in English. To translate it for stores please open app/locale/en_En in your Magento and find Itoris_RegFields.cvs file there. Copy the file to the locale you need and open the copy for editing. The file will contain each phrase twice. Translate the second part of each phrase and save the changes. Creation of Custom Registration Form
After the customization is ready - save the changes by clicking Save Settings button. Default Registration FieldsBy default you will see standard Magento registration form - 2 sections and 6 fields.
There fields are:
These fields cannot be removed as Magento requires them to create a new account. Yet you can move them to any section you need and re-combine the way you need (please see below). Overview of the InterfaceThe area has two default section and six default fields. You can add as many new sections and fields as you need. Create new SectionsTo add a new section press “Add New Section” button. You will see a new section below. Select the number of rows and columns to be in the section. There can be up to 3 columns and up to 100 rows. Rows organize ‘lines’ on your form, while columns define how many elements there can be per line. For example default Magento registration form has 2 columns and 3 rows in Personal Information section
Think out the structure of the new section and select the number of rows and columns. Or you can change the number on-the-fly any moment later. Reselect the number and it will be applied immediately. Below there is an example of a new section with 2 rows and 2 columns:
Or with 3 columns and 3 rows:
After a section has been added - enter its label. This is the title of the section your customers will see.
Sections can be moved up and down in the registration form. The section will be moved together with all their fields. To move a section use Move Up and Move Down links
The first section will have Move Down link only. The last Section will have Move Up link only. The mediate sections will have both links available. You can remove any custom section by clicking Remove link. You will see a confirmation pop-up ‘Do you really want to remove this section?’ If you agree - the section will be removed.
Yet 2 default Magento sections can be removed only after you have moved all default fields to other sections. As soon as they are emptied - there appears ability to remove them. Create Custom Fields
To add a new field put your mouse over the cell. You will see a special icon appearing:
Click the icon. You will see a box with Field’s Configuration:
Here you can select the field’s type and enter its properties. Depending on the type of the element the properties may vary. The following types are available: Custom FieldsInput Box
If you need to add an input box, select the type and then select the properties you need:
There fields are:
Please use only English letters, digits and underlining for the name. Your customers will not see it. For example Correct name: phone_number Incorrect name: phone number Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsPassword Box
It is a good idea to use this field when you need to collect SIN, credit card, etc. This field’s properties are similar to Input box:
There fields are:
Please use only English letters, digits and underlining for the name. Your customers will not see it. For example Correct name: phone_number Incorrect name: phone number Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsPassword Box
It is a good idea to use this field when you need to collect SIN, credit card, etc. This field’s properties are similar to Input box:
There fields are:
Please use only English letters, digits and underlining for the name. Your customers will not see it. For example Correct name: phone_number Incorrect name: phone number Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsRadio(s)
There fields are:
Please use only English letters, digits and underlining for the name. Your customers will not see it. For example Correct name: phone_number Incorrect name: phone number Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsSelect Box
There fields are:
Please use only English letters, digits and underlining for the name. Your customers will not see it. For example Correct name: phone_number Incorrect name: phone number Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsList Box
There fields are:
Please use only English letters, digits and underlining for the name. Your customers will not see it. For example Correct name: phone_number Incorrect name: phone number Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsMulti-select List Box
There fields are:
Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsTextarea
There fields are:
Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Custom FieldsFile Upload
There fields are:
Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Static Text
Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. CAPTCHA
This element adds text that is readable by humans, but not by computers. Your customers will need to enter the text they see to confirm they are not bots.
Below there are 2 buttons. Apply button adds the field to the form. Cancel button closes the window without adding the field. Manage Custom Fields
On this image mouse is over the field
On this image the field is dragged to another section
On this image the field has been dropped, and it has adjusted to the new place.
This way you can easily restructure your form - change the places of elements in seconds. You can change the place for standard default Magento fields as well. If you need to edit or remove an element - put your mouse over it and click the special editing button:
You will see the same properties as with creating the element. Also a new button will be available - Remove. It removes the element from the form. Pull Magento Account Fields to Registration Form
Registration Fields Manager module allows to pull these fields in the registration form. When customers populate the fields, they will be populated in the profile as well. To add these standard fields to registration form please add a new field and make selection from the top right drop down in the field’s properties:
Select the field you want to add, and its properties will be populated automatically.
You can edit the label, yet there is no ability to edit the name, so that this field is associated correctly with Telephone field from the customers’ accounts. Customer Groups
To do it please add a new field to your form. In its properties select Group from -select default fields- drop down.
N.B. Magento customer groups need to be created in advance. The field will add ability to select a group on registration form.
Email Notifications
To insert your custom registration fields into the emails, please use {{var customer.field_name}} variable, where field_name is the name you have used. Front-end
The look and style of the form will depend on your template. Below there is a sample of a custom registration form on standard Magento template:
As you can see, there is a new custom section added - Address. Account information is moved lower. Advanced Usage
CSS class - the data entered in this attribute will be added to class="{{css_class}}" attribute of the element. HTML argument - the data enetre in this attribute will be added to HTML of the element <input type="text" name="abc" {{html_arguments}} /> Customers’ Accounts
The data will be available in Account Information tab. There will be 2 areas - Account Information where standard registration fields are displayed, and Other Information, where all custom fields are displayed: The information is editable in a usual Magento way. If the registration information has been edited from the profile - it will override the previous information. Administrators from the back-end will also see both standard and custom registration fields. Administrators need to select Customers -> Manage Customers and choose a customer from the list. Standard registration information will be available in a usual way. All custom data will be kept in Custom Registration Fields tab.