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Multiple Wishlists for Magento User Guide


This document is a User Guide for Multiple Wishlists extension for Magento. It describes how work with the extension.

Multiple Wishlists extension allows your customers to plan their future purchases and divide wished products into separate lists so that it is convenient to keep them.

Modern interface allows to create a new list directly from products’ pages when a product is added to a wishlist. In customers account the wishlist area is changed so that all lists are visible and easily accessible.

System Requirements

The extension works under Magento 1.3.x, Magento 1.4.x, and Magento 1.5.x and higher. The extension works with Apache 1.3.x and higher, PHP 5, Linux or IIS.

The extension’s correct work is guaranteed with the following browsers:

  • IE7, IE8, IE9
  • FireFox 4.x, 5.x
  • Google Chrome 12.x
  • Safari 5.x

The correct work with other Magento versions, other browsers and Apache/PHP versions is not guaranteed.


All our Magento extensions and templates are installed via IToris Installer .

Download IToris Installer and un-pack to the root of your website. It will then appear in menu System –>IToris extensions –> IToris Installer.

Open it and you will see all our Magento Extensions and Templates, both installed and available. You can install, update and un-install them with one click now.

Find Multiple Wishlists in the list of extensions and press Install button. It will ask for the license key that you will receive after the purchase. Enter the key and submit. The extension will be installed. It will be available in menu System –>IToris extensions –> Multiple Wishlists.


Multiple Wishlists is website-dependent. By ‘website’ here we understand the website in Magento terms. Under one Magento installation one license key of the extension can activate all stores/storeviews. within one website. If your configuration has several Magento websites - a separate license will be required for each.

You can switch the license from one domain to another – login to IToris website using the credentials you will receive after the purchase. Go to My Downloads area, find your key there and reset it from the current website. Then use it again to activate another website


Settings. Activation/Deactivation

Install Multiple Wishlists extension and open it in admin area (System –>IToris extensions –> Multiple Wishlists). You will see the following setting:


To activate the extension on your website select ‘Enabled’ = Yes.

Settings. Customers’ Wishlists in Back-end

Multiple Wishlists extension also changes the customers’ wishlists in the accounts from the back-end. There is a new column added - Wishlist name - so that administrators can sort out wished products by wishlist’s name.


Front-end. Adding product to wishlists

When a customer clicks “Add to wishlist” link of a product - they see the following:


Customers can add the product to any of the existing wishlists or create a new one directly from here.

Front-end. Customer’s Profile. My Wishlist

My Wishlists area now provides ability to manage all wishlists.


There are tabs with the lists’ names on the top so that customers select which lists they want to manage. Apart from ability to create a new wishlist customers are able to move products from one wishlist to another one.

Products can be moved one by one, or there is a bulk movement.

Customers can delete products from wishlists, or delete the entire wishlists.

Products can be copied from one wishlist to another one.

In case there are more lists that the top pane can display simultaneously - there will appear a stroller so that customers view the lists they need.