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How to manage reviews and ratings in Magento 2

Magento 2 Discussion
Written by ITORIS Team, 2018-06-18   

How to manage reviews and ratings in Magento_2

Reviews and ratings represent an assessment of the company’s products which are submitted by clients who’ve used this product in the past. This piece of information may have an influence on prospective customers while they are in the process of deciding whether to buy a particular product or not.

Therefore, effectively managing reviews and ratings on a particular e-commerce website represent an important job for every Magento 2 store owner.

Creating new rating criteria in Magento 2

Step 1: To create new rating criteria in Magento 2, you’ll need to go to Stores AttributesRating and click the Add New Rating button.

Step 2: Fill in all the required information, including Default Value and Default Store View, specify the Rating Visibility with Sort Order and change the rating status to Active. Hit the Save Rating button once all the required information is filled in:

Creating new ratings in Magento 2

Adding and editing reviews in Magento 2

Step 1: To edit an existing review in Magento 2, you’ll have to log in to your admin account and go to MarketingUser ContentReviews;

Step 2: Click the corresponding field you would like to edit an existing rating for. This may be its Status, Visibility, user’s Nickname or any other information. Click the Save Review button to save all of the changes we’ve made so far:

Editing Reviews in Magento 2

Step 3: Alternatively, you can create a brand new product review. To do that, go back to the Marketing Review section and hit the New Review button. Choose the product you want to review.  Fill in all the important information, including your Nickname, Summary of Review and type in the actual Review. Set the Status of your review to Approved and click the Save Review button to save your new entry. That piece of information should then appear in the reviews section on the product details page:

Creating New Reviews in Magento 2

Editing an existing rating in Magento 2

If you would like to make changes to an existing rating in Magento 2, you’ll need to:

Step 1: Go to Stores Attributes Rating;

Step 2: Select the type of rating you want to edit, i.e: Price, Quality, Rating or Value;

Step 3: Make all the necessary changes and hit the Save Rating button:

Editing ratings in Magento 2

Setting permissions for writing customer reviews in Magento 2

Apart from the functions we’ve discussed above, there is also a possibility for site admins to set permissions for writing customer reviews on their sites.

Step 1: To set one, you’ll need to go to StoresSettingsConfiguration;

Step 2: Expand the Catalog tab and proceed to CatalogProduct Reviews. Uncheck the Use System Value option and set the value of Allow Guests to Write Reviews field to “Yes”. Click the Save Config button once the set-up process is complete:

Product Review settings in Magento 2